
Invasion Encore: Migrant Horde Mocks US Border with Media’s Cheerleading!

The liberal media is at it again, hyping up a group of over 2,000 migrants who are shamelessly marching through southern Mexico with the help of government officials and NGOs. They call themselves the Migrant Way of the Cross, trying to tug at heartstrings with their dramatic name. The group is making its way toward Mexico City before planning to use buses and other means of transportation to head to the U.S.-Mexico border. It’s like a bad rerun of a tired soap opera – will they make it to the border this time? 

The caravan, complete with a large white wooden cross at the front to play on emotions, left Chiapas on Mexico’s southern border on Monday. To add insult to injury, Mexican police forces are actually escorting them along roads and controlling traffic for them. Why not just roll out the red carpet while they’re at it? It’s a slap in the face to American sovereignty.

In cities where the migrants plan to camp out for the night, officials with Mexico’s National Migration Institute (INM) have been working with NGOs to make sure they have all the accommodations they need. Because, you know, making sure lawbreakers are comfortable is totally a priority.

And to add more fuel to the fire, once they reach Mexico City, these groups usually disband and board passenger buses and other vehicles to continue their journey. It’s starting to feel like a never-ending cycle of caravans making their way to the U.S. border. 

Ildefonso Ortiz and Brandon Darby, from Breitbart Texas, are keeping a watchful eye on the situation. They’re not afraid to call out the liberal media’s bias and report on the real story behind these caravans. If you want the unfiltered truth, make sure to follow them on Twitter and Facebook.


Written by Staff Reports

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