
IRS to Deploy AI for Tax Assistance and Fraud Detection

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is planning to use new technology called artificial intelligence (AI) to help people who pay taxes and to catch people who might be cheating on their taxes. The IRS commissioner, Danny Werfel, talked about these plans. He said the IRS wants to make it easier for people to get answers to their questions about taxes and to use robots called chatbots to help them. Mr. Werfel explained that the IRS is also using AI to find out if big companies and rich people might be doing things that are not allowed with their taxes.

Mr. Werfel said that the IRS wants to use AI to make things easier for people and to help the IRS work better. He said the AI tools are like special glasses that help people see better in the dark. He also said that using AI is like playing chess, where the computer helps the IRS be better at catching people who might be cheating on their taxes.

The IRS is planning to use AI to help make things faster and better for people who need to pay taxes. They want to help people who have questions and make sure everyone is following the rules.

Written by Staff Reports

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