
Kellyanne Conway Touts Trump as True Unifier, Urges Focus on Early Voting

Former White House adviser Kellyanne Conway believes that former President Donald Trump is the “unifier” that President Joe Biden promised to be. She expressed confidence that the upcoming election is “Trump’s to lose,” and urged the former president to encourage early voting among voters. Conway emphasized that Trump is uniting the Republican party and attracting support from voters who had previously pledged not to vote for him. 


Conway highlighted Trump’s effective campaigning strategy, stating that he is reaching out to communities where he is not expected to win a large percentage of votes, demonstrating his commitment to representing all Americans. She contrasted Trump’s approach with that of Biden, who she claimed is focusing on meeting with celebrities rather than regular citizens.

Despite Conway’s remarks, Biden has been meeting with citizens from various states on the campaign trail, including Arizona, Nevada, and Michigan. Conway also predicted that Trump would perform strongly in the first presidential debate and advised him to allow Biden to speak and potentially stumble during the 90-minute debate.

Conway’s statements align with those of Senator Ted Cruz, who argued that the Democratic Party has “abandoned” blue-collar workers. Notably, Conway previously advised Trump to embrace early voting, emphasizing the importance of adapting to changing voting habits to secure political success.


Written by Staff Reports

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