
Kirk Cameron Teams Up with Brave Books to Promote Traditional Values

Over the past nine years since the Obergefell v. Hodges ruling, the LGBT movement has significantly advanced its agenda, advocating for widespread acceptance and celebration of diverse sexual identities. With support from left-leaning media, the entertainment industry, educational institutions, and government officials, dissenters risk swift cancellation for opposing these views.

In this context, Brave Books and actor Kirk Cameron have emerged as proponents of traditional values, offering parents a way to teach their children biblical principles through the “See You at the Library” initiative. On August 24, thousands of families will gather in public libraries to participate in story hours featuring character-building books, sing the national anthem, and engage in prayer. This event aims to counteract what organizers see as liberal indoctrination by instilling core values in the next generation.

Kirk Cameron has emphasized that the nation's current moral state stems from a failure by good people to teach their children essential values. He criticizes public schools and some youth pastors for convincing parents that they are less capable of educating their own children. Researcher George Barna has identified a shift towards a “new morality” in America, attributing it to many parents abdicating their role as primary educators.

The result, according to critics, is that children are increasingly influenced by educators and social media figures who depict Christians as "oppressors." Millennials and Gen Z are reportedly embracing post-modernism, moral relativism, and emotionalism. Philadelphia's hosting of the world’s largest drag queen story hour, with 268 attendees, is cited as an example of this so-called "progress."

Despite these trends, there is still a significant pushback. Last year, over 300 libraries across 46 states participated in a Brave Books story-hour day, indicating that many families are resisting what they perceive as moral decay. This year, Brave Books aims to expand the initiative to 600 libraries in all 50 states. The upcoming “See You at the Library” event aims to promote messages of humility, kindness, faith, hope, and self-control.

For those interested in supporting See You at the Library, participation is straightforward. Individuals can sign up to host events on or sponsor a story hour toolkit, which includes books, Statue of Liberty stickers, American flags, bookmarks, Bible verses, and memory cards. Efforts like these are seen as essential for America to reclaim its traditional values.

Written by Staff Reports

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