A New York Times article that pointed out the various errors made by President Biden during his speech last week has angered liberal Twitter users.
Many of them called out the reporter who wrote the article for the handling of the situation.
Peter Baker, the Times' chief White House correspondent, wrote an article about the various mistakes made by Biden during his speech in Florida.
In the article, Baker noted that Biden made several mistakes during his speech in Florida. He mistakenly referred to the conflict in Iraq as a war between the Russians and the Americans, and he also misstated the cause of death of his son, Beau.
In addition, Baker noted that Biden has a long history of making mistakes. Since becoming the oldest president in history, his numerous misstatements have become more prominent. He also said that due to the media attention he has received, his mistakes have become more pronounced.
Mark Copelovitch, a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, criticized the article by criticizing Haberman and Baker. He also noted that Biden's son Beau may have died due to the Iraq burn pit exposure.
Jamesetta Williams, another critic, noted that the article was problematic due to how it presented Biden's misstatements about Ukraine. He also said that Biden did not misspeak and that his son got cancer from the burn pits in Iraq.
DC Petersson, a novelist, also criticized the article by saying that Haberman is a Russian agent. He asked if Vlad was paying him directly or through holding companies.