
Liberals Panic as GOP Targets Merrick Garland Next

Oh boy, hold on tight because the liberals are about to go into full-blown panic mode! It seems that when the shoe is on the other foot, they’re not so keen on playing by the same rules they want to impose on Republicans. Hypocrisy, anyone?

Now, don’t get me wrong, not all Republicans are saints. There are certainly some out there who are dirtier than a piglet splashing around in the mud. But on average, Republicans have a better track record of standing up for what’s right.

Let’s go back to the good old days of the 90s when Bill Clinton, the saxophone-playing charmer, got his due process for violating the most sacred office in the land. We all remember the whole debacle with Monica Lewinsky, don’t we? That happened right in the White House, mind you.

Sure, President Donald Trump may have had a few extracurricular smooches, but here’s the kicker: he didn’t go around lying to the entire country about it. He certainly didn’t have the audacity to lie under oath. But good ol’ Bill Clinton did both of those things.

Remember when Clinton pointed his grubby little thumb in the air and adamantly denied having “sexual relations with that woman”? Oh, he was careful to call her a “woman” to make it seem like she was a consenting adult. He conveniently forgot to mention that she was only 22 years old while he was 49, and the most powerful man in the country. Talk about a power dynamic.

So, here’s the deal. Bill Clinton got away with all that while Donald Trump is facing not one, but two serious indictments. If the liberals want to play hardball, then let’s play. We may not be able to go after Bill Clinton these days, but we can certainly go after their precious Merrick Garland.

According to Kevin McCarthy, Merrick Garland is the new target, and McCarthy isn’t wasting any time. He plans on taking action by July 6. Now, it’s up to you to decide: Should Merrick Garland be held to the same standards as Donald Trump?

Let us know what you think in the comments below, but I’ll give you a little hint: the answer is a resounding YES. It’s time for the liberals to realize that accountability should apply to everyone, not just their political adversaries.

Source: Conservative Institute

Written by Staff Reports

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