
Madison Wastes COVID Aid on Illegals, Locals Furious!

The liberal stronghold of Madison, Wisconsin, has once again proven just how out of touch they are with reality by funneling COVID-19 relief funds meant for hardworking Americans to illegal immigrants. The crazy leftists in charge decided it was a great idea to throw about $700,000 at these lawbreakers through shady nonprofit organizations, all while regular citizens are left struggling to recover from the pandemic. It’s like they have a big “Welcome Illegal Immigrants” sign right at the city limits!

The great folks at the Institute for Reforming Government (IRG) caught wind of this travesty and rightfully blew the whistle on Madison’s irresponsible and outrageous actions. It’s about time someone held these reckless liberals accountable for their wasteful spending habits. Taxpayer dollars are not meant to be tossed around like confetti at a liberal arts festival.

Republican Wisconsin state Sen. Duey Stroebel isn’t taking this nonsense lying down. He’s demanding answers from the city of Madison, rightfully questioning where exactly all this relief money went and why it ended up in the hands of those who have no legal right to it. Good on Sen. Stroebel for standing up for the hardworking families of Wisconsin and pushing back against the liberal agenda of enriching illegal immigrants at the expense of law-abiding citizens.

It’s no surprise that Democratic Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway is conveniently silent on the issue. When caught red-handed in a mess of their own making, liberals like her always seem to conveniently disappear rather than face the music. Maybe it’s time for Mayor Rhodes-Conway to start prioritizing the needs of legal residents over those who have no business being in the country in the first place.

This situation is just another example of how the liberal elite in places like Madison think they can do whatever they want with taxpayer money without consequence. It’s time for conservatives to continue shining a light on their reckless behavior and ensure that our hard-earned dollars are used to benefit American citizens, not line the pockets of illegal immigrants. Let’s make sure these left-wing radicals know that we won’t stand for their nonsense any longer!

Written by Staff Reports

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