
Schumer Sour Over Texan Judge, Cries ‘Judge Shopping’ Bias!

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has once again proven that he’s not just a New Yorker, he’s also a big ol’ grump! Schumer, the leader of the Dems in the Senate, is pointing fingers and stomping his feet at Chief Judge David Godbey of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas. And why, you ask? Well, because Schumer is all riled up over something called “judge shopping.” Apparently, Schumer thinks it’s just terrible that some folks try to pick and choose which judge will hear their case. He’s especially miffed because it seems like right-leaning groups have been using this strategy. But let’s not kid ourselves, both sides have been known to play this game.

Schumer is so fired up about this that he’s threatening to push for new laws to put an end to what he calls a “misguided practice.” He’s essentially rallying the troops and shouting, “The Senate will consider legislative options to put an end to this misguided practice!” Yeah, he’s not happy at all.

But hold on just a minute! Before you go thinking that Schumer is just looking out for justice, it’s important to know that he’s got some skin in the game. You see, this whole thing is personal for him because it involves a judge appointed by former President Donald Trump. And we all know how Dems feel about anything related to Trump. So, it’s no surprise that Schumer is raising a ruckus.

Now, while Schumer is busy pointing fingers and raising a fuss, he conveniently seems to be forgetting that similar tricks have been pulled by left-leaning groups too. But hey, who cares about that, right? While Schumer goes all “rah rah” on the Northern District of Texas, he conveniently brushes off any similar shenanigans from his own team.

On the other side of the political aisle, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senator John Cornyn from Texas seem to be taking a more level-headed approach. They’re pretty pleased that the judiciary isn’t sticking its nose where it doesn’t belong and meddling with the legislative process. After all, it’s not their place to get involved, and McConnell and Cornyn seem to get that. Way to keep your cool, guys.

Written by Staff Reports

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