
Surprise Twist: Vocal Opponent Backs Jordan for Speaker, Uniting GOP Against Biden!

In a surprising twist, Congressman Mike Rogers of Alabama has announced his support for Rep. Jim Jordan as the next Speaker of the House. Rogers was known as one of Jordan’s most vocal opponents, especially among the more moderate and establishment members of the GOP. But after having “cordial, thoughtful, and productive conversations” with Jordan, Rogers believes that the conservative firebrand can unite the fractured Republican caucus against President Joe Biden’s agenda.

Rogers highlighted the areas of agreement he found with Jordan, emphasizing the need for Congress to pass a strong National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), fund the government’s important functions, and address critical legislation like the Farm Bill. He believes that by supporting Jordan, the Republicans will be better equipped to fight against Biden’s reckless agenda for America.

As Chair of the House Armed Services Committee, Rogers has been a strong advocate for increased funding for Ukraine, which has been in conflict with Russia. However, Jordan has been opposed to most funding bills for Ukraine, causing concern among war-hawk Republicans. Rogers’ decision to support Jordan signals to his fellow Republicans that they can work cooperatively with Jordan as Speaker, even on issues where they may have had disagreements in the past.

Notably, former President Donald Trump previously endorsed Jordan for Speaker, and it seemed that Majority Leader Steve Scalise was positioned to secure the post. However, Scalise withdrew from the nomination process, realizing he wouldn’t have enough support to win a full vote in the House. This opened the door for Jordan’s allies to conduct a pressure campaign during the weekend break, and it appears that their efforts have paid off with Rogers’ change of heart.

This unexpected turn of events suggests that Jordan may have gained the necessary support to become the next Speaker of the House. If the vote occurs as early as Tuesday, Jordan’s allies will surely be thrilled with this outcome. As a conservative, it’s exciting to see a strong and unapologetic leader like Jordan possibly taking the reins and leading the charge against the Biden administration’s misguided policies. Let’s hope that more Republicans will recognize Jordan’s potential and rally behind him.

Written by Staff Reports

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