
Swapping Biden No Help for Dems as Lara Trump Touts Donald’s Superiority

The idea of replacing President Joe Biden as the Democratic Party’s nominee for 2024 is getting more attention than that old Howard Dean scream. After the first presidential debate, which many thought saw Biden at his weakest against former President Donald Trump, the discussions have hit the fever pitch. Lara Trump, RNC co-chairwoman, delivered the blunt truth: Democrats’ chances are no better even if they swap out Sleepy Joe for another candidate.

Biden gave a performance at the debate that left people wondering if he’s fit to run a lemonade stand, let alone a country. Meanwhile, Lara Trump praised her father-in-law’s debate appearance as his best ever. According to her, it made voters more convinced than ever that Trump is the clear choice. She reminded the masses of the glory days when Trump’s leadership had borders secure, gas prices cheap, and wallets fatter. No wonder people want Trump back. Who wouldn’t miss those good old days?

Lara also emphasized that any attempt by the Democrats to substitute Biden with another candidate—whether it’s Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama, or the coastal elites Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer—would be the ultimate insult to democracy. Her point? If they think changing the actor will make this political circus look like Shakespeare, they’ve got another thing coming.

Speaking of the financial side of things, the Republican Party is practically swimming in donations post-debate. Fundraising has seen more than $1 million a day pouring in. Lara claimed this is a testament to voters’ realization that Trump was the only leader on that debate stage. The American people seem to be opening their checkbooks to ensure they get a commander-in-chief who can actually command.

Adding to the fun, Trump made a campaign stop in Virginia, a state that’s been as blue as a Smurf since 2008. But Trump’s rally ignited talk that he might actually flip the state this November. Polling data is showing Trump closing in on Biden in Virginia, and Democrats are beginning to sweat more than Joe on debate night.

Biden’s campaign, in a tone-deaf move, insists there are no plans to cut him loose for 2024. Yeah, no talks about that “whatsoever,” which translates to: we have no backup plan, folks. Democratic loyalists like Sen. John Fetterman rushed to defend Biden and cited his terrible debate performance in 2022. He won his race against a Trump-endorsed candidate, Mehmet Oz, so he thinks a lousy debate is no biggie for Biden’s reelection prospects.

The Democrats can reshuffle their deck all they want, but when it comes to leadership, Donald Trump is holding all the Trump cards. The Great American Comeback seems inevitable, and it’s only a matter of time before Trump’s name is etched back into the Oval Office door.

Written by Staff Reports

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