
The Social Media Giant Prepares the Way for Interference in the Midterm Elections

It was only a matter of time before major tech firms started announcing how they would combat "misinformation" in the run-up to the November midterm elections.

According to polls, Republicans will benefit greatly from the midterm elections, especially if the country continues to disintegrate as a result of the Democrats' terrible policies.

The strategies Democrats intend to use to lessen their losses in November are feared by many conservatives. Some people even speculate as to if Democrats will try to rig the election like they did in 2020.

The 2022 midterm elections and the 2020 presidential election will have one notable commonality, though. Big Tech is making every effort to obstruct.

Far-left Twitter declared that it will use a wide range of censoring measures to "protect" the midterm elections and stifle what the company refers to as "misinformation."

Following widespread skepticism about the 2020 presidential election, major tech companies like Twitter, Facebook, and Google implemented "election integrity" standards. Big Tech witches used censorship measures; even Trump's tweets were labelled as "misinformation."

Recently, it has been customary for Twitter and other businesses to monitor what they deem to be "misinformation," when in fact they are only carrying out the Demcorats' public relations efforts.

For instance, while Joe Biden was on the campaign road, Twitter, Facebook, Google, and others worked feverishly to discredit the Hunter Biden "Laptop From Hell" narrative. News organizations characterized the bombshell as Russian misinformation" and mostly dismissed it as a false report.

Mainstream media sources were made to eat crow after the authenticity of the information on Hunter's laptop was later established.

Additionally, Twitter claims to be introducing "state-specific event hubs," which would enable the network to provide users with hand-selected information depending on their state and local races. Additionally, it will launch a "dedicated explore tab" with news articles selected by Twitter for the upcoming elections in the United States.

The Twitter midterm rules are available here.

In contrast to the previous standard, which involved individuals discovering material through trending hashtags and other mechanisms to expose popular content organically, Twitter's statement places a strong focus on the curating and filtering of information from the corporation down to users.

Today, Twitter prefers that people learn things from the top down rather than from the bottom up.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Sons of 1776.

Written by Staff Reports

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