
Trump Leads 6 out of 7 Key States as Voters Reject Biden’s Failures

Polls fresh out of Emerson College show former President Trump dominating the battleground states, with a notable tie in Minnesota, which might still swing red this cycle. Despite the liberal media’s giddy reaction to his 34-charge conviction, Trump is giving Sleepy Joe Biden a run for his money in six out of seven key states in a head-to-head face-off.

Arizona and Georgia see Trump consistently leading by four points; in swing states like Michigan and Wisconsin, where every vote counts, Trump’s razor-thin margins are statistically significant, revealing just how shaky Biden’s footing is. Even Pennsylvania, Biden’s home turf, isn’t safe, as Trump leads by two points.

Trump’s resilience—despite the New York liberal court’s attempts to tarnish his image—shows political witch hunts don’t easily sway Americans. Trump’s support has grown in Michigan and Nevada since April. Remember, folks, this is the same Michigan where “Big Gretch” spent months locking everyone down, only to neglect her mandates when it suited her.

The Emerson poll also underscores Biden’s popularity problem. A majority of voters in all seven swing states disapprove of him. Only in Minnesota does he manage to drag himself to a stalemate. From Pennsylvania to Georgia, Americans are waking up to Biden’s failures. Over half disapprove of his performance, with Georgia being his worst nightmare, polling approval at an abysmal 35%.

Adding fuel to the fire, Biden’s campaign can chant “convicted criminal” all they want, but the voters aren’t buying it. Emerson’s data indicates Trump’s conviction hasn’t turned people away. Voters are more concerned about the economy, border security, and seeing the end of wokeness than they are about the left’s courtroom dramatics.

With the polls suggesting Trump is either leading or tied, let’s not forget upcoming debates could further showcase Biden’s incoherence compared to Trump’s sharp, no-nonsense approach. The coming months will only intensify this political theater, with Trump ready to reclaim the White House and Make America Great Again.

Written by Staff Reports

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