
Tucker Exposes Biden’s Dictator Path: Kim Il-sung or Fatherland?

Tucker Carlson, the fearless conservative commentator, is at it again, telling it like it is and exposing the left for what they really are. This time, he’s taking on the “hysterical” response of liberals to Fox News’ chyron that read, “Wannabe dictator speaks at the White House after having his political rival arrested.” Carlson wondered aloud why the left gets so upset when the truth is spoken, especially when it comes to their beloved leader, Joe Biden.

As Carlson pointed out, there’s some truth to the label of “wannabe dictator” when it comes to Biden’s actions. After all, jailing political rivals and tracking the phones of millions of Americans without a warrant are definitely the hallmarks of a wannabe dictator. But as Carlson said, it takes more than that to earn the title.

Real dictators enrich themselves and their families while their countries suffer, suppress dissent, and disarm their citizens. While Biden may be on his way to authoritarianism, he’s not quite there yet.

Still, Carlson had plenty of examples to back up his claim that Biden is headed down a dangerous path. From his mental and physical decline to his family connections, there are certainly reasons to be concerned.

But as always, Carlson delivered his commentary with a healthy dose of humor and sarcasm. His comparison of Biden to Kim Il-sung and his quip about Biden turning the country into a “fatherland” were particularly memorable.

So while the left may not like what Carlson has to say about their beloved leader, the truth is the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. And Carlson is never one to shy away from speaking the truth, no matter how unsettling it may be to those who don’t want to hear it.

Source: Townhall

Written by Staff Reports

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