
Unshakeable Biden: Landrieu Claims He’s Not Going Anywhere!

In a recent interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Mitch Landrieu, co-chair of the Biden campaign, dismissed concerns about President Joe Biden’s mental fitness. Landrieu made it clear that these questions were simply not enough to make Biden drop out of the presidential race. Well, color us surprised!

Now, we all know that there have been some pretty valid concerns about Biden’s mental sharpness. I mean, have you seen him stumble through a speech or forget what he’s saying? It’s like watching a magic show, but instead of magic, it’s just a bunch of word salad.

But apparently, Landrieu thinks that these concerns are just a bunch of hooey. He thinks Biden is as sharp as ever, and to suggest otherwise is just plain mean. So, according to Landrieu, we should all just ignore those moments when Biden forgets where he is or mixes up his wife with his sister. It’s all part of the charm, right?

Well, sorry Landrieu, but we’re not buying it. We deserve a president who can remember where he is and who he’s talking to. And if Biden can’t handle the pressure, maybe it’s time for him to step aside and let someone else take the reins. Just saying.

Written by Staff Reports

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