
Vatican’s Gold Highway to Maui? Pure Fantasy!

The liberal lies are at it again! A false claim circulating the internet suggests that the Vatican dug a tunnel all the way to Maui, Hawaii, and stuffed it with an astronomical 43 million billion dollars in gold. Ridiculous, right? Well, our dear readers, rest assured, this is nothing but a wild fabrication made up to tarnish the good name of the Vatican.

If the Vatican truly had an underground gold highway leading to a tropical paradise, you can bet your bottom dollar that conservative news outlets would be all over it like a seagull on a discarded French fry. But alas, no reputable sources have reported on this outlandish tale because, surprise, surprise, it’s baloney!

Let’s use our common sense here, folks. The distance between the Vatican and Maui, according to Google Maps, is around 8,000 miles, not the measly 1,500 miles claimed in the fake news. And as for the supposed rescue of victims of heinous crimes, such as children and women forced into unspeakable acts, that too is a fairy tale spun to rile up emotions and trigger gullible readers.

Now, let’s talk numbers. The totality of gold ever unearthed on our blue planet doesn’t come close to the mind-boggling 43 quadrillion dollars asserted in this tall tale. At $2,194 an ounce for gold at the time of writing, even if Scrooge McDuck himself were to dive into this so-called tunnel, he wouldn’t swim in riches of such grandeur.

It’s essential to separate fact from fiction in a world where misinformation spreads faster than a cheetah on Red Bull. Don’t let the fake news brigades sway your beliefs with their outlandish claims. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and always double-check before sharing absurd stories like this one. The truth shall prevail, dear readers, even in the face of preposterous allegations against the Vatican.

Written by Staff Reports

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