
WATCH: This Might Be One Of Hillary Clinton’s Cringiest Moments

After losing the presidential election in 2016, Hillary Clinton decided to go on a mission. She and her daughter, Chelsea, took on a car karaoke performance for the TV show Carpool Karaoke.

The goal of the event was to get as many eyeballs as possible. Since I'm writing about it, I guess the mission has been accomplished.

The only thing that really stood out about this performance was how little substance it had. There was also no instruction or lesson that could be learned from it.

In addition to the usual jokes about race, the performance also featured a couple of intentional insertions, such as the insertion of two People Of Color and the choice of an independent-woman song called "I Will Survive." It was very impressive that Chelsea Clinton was able to drive a car.

This is where the convention demands witticisms or insight. Imagine the poor man who was tasked with editing this piece, forced to listen to the same parts of Clinton's voice that were repeated over and over again in an effort to meet a deadline. He had no choice but to do it because he was desperate to avoid getting killed by the same fate that happened to other Clinton-world figures.

He starts by doing his work begrudgingly. He then gets on the subway and hopes that he doesn't get robbed or raped as he makes his way home. He then starts to wonder how he got this far.

Today, we're going to take a moment to recognize the plight of working men. For instance, is it the salary of an Apple TV video editor?

The sad thing is that there are still some people out there who are still impressed by this type of publicity stunt. Even though it's not exactly a big deal, they will still clap their hands in celebration of the bravery and stunningness of an incredibly vapid pop icon singing feminist songs in a car.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on PJ Media.

Written by Staff Reports

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