
What are the Greatest Threats to America?

The greatest threats to America are not conventional or terrorist attacks, but are bad economic policy, long-running wars, and cultural self-destruction by way of political correctness.

The first threat to American society is the obvious one: terrorism.

The first threat to American society is the obvious one: terrorism. While we may not think of terrorism as a serious threat in America, it’s not just a faraway problem that we can ignore. The 9/11 attacks were devastating, with thousands dead and serious economic consequences for our country. We need to recognize that terrorism poses an immediate, visible and personal risk to all Americans—and do what we can to protect ourselves from it.

The second threat is the economy.

The second threat is the economy. The United States has a big debt that keeps growing, and its currency is losing value.

The American economy is not competitive with other countries in terms of manufacturing efficiency and productivity.

Lying awake at night wondering what’s going to happen next? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are the threats facing our country ranked in order of severity and urgency.

As a citizen of the United States, you may be concerned about what’s going to happen next. We understand that it can be hard to keep track of all the potential threats facing our country, so here is a list of some of our most pressing concerns.

  • Foreign governments trying to steal secrets from U.S. intelligence agencies
  • Terrorists using chemical weapons against civilians in major cities
  • Russia interfering with elections and spreading misinformation through social media sites like Facebook and Twitter
  • Al-Qaeda continuing their campaign of terror attacks on Western cities around the world (this includes 9/11)

The greatest threats to America are not conventional or terrorist attacks, but are bad economic policy, long-running wars, and cultural self-destruction by way of political correctness.

The greatest threats to America are not conventional or terrorist attacks, but are bad economic policy, long-running wars, and cultural self-destruction by way of political correctness.

Terrorism is a real danger to the United States and its citizens, but it’s only one of many threats that we face as a nation. We could keep ourselves safe from terrorists by limiting travel into our country; but that would be an abrogation of our values and also quite expensive for American businesses (and consumers). And if you live in an area with a high density of immigrants—like New York City—you probably don’t feel endangered at all by terrorism.

Our foreign policy has led us into costly wars without clear goals or strategies for achieving them; we have spent trillions fighting these wars while ignoring domestic issues like infrastructure repair and health care reform. The effect on the economy has been dire: we have had low growth rates since 2001 because we’ve funneled so much money into these military campaigns instead of investing in our own people’s well being through education programs or medical research grants. Our debt situation has worsened dramatically over this period as well; now we owe over $20 trillion dollars in debt!


There are many threats to America that are often overlooked, but I think these three stand out above the rest. Not only do they affect our nation’s security, but they also have a profound impact on the lives of individual citizens. If we can work together to address these issues, then maybe someday we won’t need to worry about them anymore

Written by admin

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