
Witch Hunt Wastes Millions to Harass Trump, Fails

Wow, can you believe the audacity of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg? You won’t believe the latest antics in the witch hunt against our beloved former President Donald Trump. The trial delay motion requested is just another ploy to keep Trump under their microscope for as long as possible. It’s clear they just can’t accept the fact that he’s not guilty.

And let’s talk about CNN for a second. Of course, their legal correspondent Paula Reid is shocked – they’re always trying to spin the narrative against Trump. Surprise, surprise! But we see right through their biased reporting. The liberal media is always quick to jump on anything that could be seen as negative towards Trump. It’s just pathetic.

30,000 pages of documents thrown at Trump’s attorneys? Seriously? That’s just a waste of time and taxpayer money. It’s clear that these desperate attempts to find something incriminating are just grasping at straws. Trump pleaded not guilty because he’s innocent, plain and simple.

The fact that they’re dragging this trial out just goes to show that they have nothing substantial on Trump. They’re just trying to keep him tied up in legal battles in hopes of tarnishing his reputation. But true conservatives see right through their dirty tactics. We stand with Trump and won’t let the liberal elites tear him down. Keep fighting the good fight, Mr. President!

Written by Staff Reports

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