
Biden Bumbles Again: Attacks Guns, Slams Fox News, and Imaginary Insults?

In a recent outing to Philadelphia following his tumultuous State of the Union address, Joe Biden’s brain seemed to be experiencing technical difficulties once again. The man can’t catch a break! During his speech, he attempted to compare gun manufacturers to tobacco companies but ended up stumbling over his words and making no sense at all. Typical Democrat move, always trying to demonize the gun industry. Like, come on, knives don’t get blamed if someone gets stabbed, so why all the hate on guns, am I right?

And get this, Biden went on a whole tangent about people giving him the finger and holding up signs saying “FU.” Really, Joe? Sounds like a made-up story to deflect from his own failures. It’s like he’s living in a fantasy land where everyone loves him despite his disastrous policies and constant blunders. Wake up, Joe! The American people see right through your charade.

But the cherry on top was when Biden claimed he heard a Fox News commentator bashing his economic policies at 2 a.m. Who does he think he’s fooling? Joe can barely stay awake past 8 p.m., let alone watching Fox News in the wee hours of the morning. And come on, “trickle-down economics” and “bottom up”? Those sound like terms straight out of Biden’s mouth, not a Fox News commentator’s. The man is grasping at straws to paint himself as a hero when in reality, his policies are driving America into the ground.

I’m calling on Fox News to fact-check this absurd story. I can already tell you, it’s a load of baloney. Biden’s track record for stretching the truth is longer than a CVS receipt. Peter Doocy, get on the case and let’s expose this tall tale for what it is – a desperate attempt to save face. The American people deserve to know the truth, not be fed lies by a president who can’t even remember what day it is. Time to separate fact from fiction, folks!

Written by Staff Reports

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