
Biden Campaign’s Push for Pro-Meme Manager Falls Flat as Usual

The left is at it again, trying to connect with younger voters through memes, but as usual, failing miserably. The Biden campaign recently posted a job listing looking for a Partner Manager to create pro-Biden memes. This move seems to ignore the fact that Democrats just aren’t funny when it comes to memes.

The job posting emphasized the need for experience and organizational skills but missed a crucial qualification: a sense of humor. Clearly, Team Biden is more focused on pushing their agenda than creating engaging and funny content for young voters.

The Washington Times highlighted some of the cringe-worthy attempts by the Biden team at meme creation, including a poorly executed jab at former President Trump. The left fails to understand that memes are organic and cannot be forced. Comedy should be about making people laugh, not pushing a political message.

Conservatives know that humor is essential in connecting with people, and the left’s constant failures in the meme game only make it easier to poke fun at them. Let them keep trying to be funny – it just gives us more material to laugh at.

Written by Staff Reports

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