
BREAKING: Top GOP Congresswoman Just Got Her Twitter Account Reinstated!

Elon Musk has just now completed the process of restoring Marjorie Taylor Greene's private Twitter account.

She just sent out a tweet from her congressional account a few minutes ago announcing that her private account is back:

On her personal account, which only has 173.1 thousand followers, she has not yet tweeted, therefore the account is currently empty. In comparison, she had 465 thousand followers the day before they suspended her account, so this is quite a drop in the bucket.

I am relieved to see that all of these suspensions have been lifted from Elon Musk's free speech Twitter account. However, as I mentioned the other day, he is not removing all of them. One example is the account of Alex Jones, which is as follows:

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Red State.

Written by Staff Reports

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