CBS News seems to be having trouble keeping up with current events, particularly when it comes to the upcoming election. Selina Wang has apparently missed a significant part of the discourse surrounding a pivotal policy proposal. If she had been paying attention, she would have realized that the “no tax on tips” policy recently touted by Kamala Harris actually originated with Donald Trump. In a recent rally in Nevada, Harris positioned herself as the champion of service workers, but in reality, she just swiped the idea from the Trump playbook.
Wang’s characterization of Trump’s critique as merely an “accusation” makes it clear she’s either living under a rock or purposely ignoring the facts. The Culinary Workers Union threw their support behind Trump’s proposal in June, so calling it an accusation is a stretch. It’s more like a documented fact that even the union saw the merit in Trump’s suggestion.
To add fuel to the fire, Wang’s coworkers at CBS weren’t completely oblivious. For instance, Olivia Rinaldi conducted interviews with hotel workers in Nevada who indicated that the elimination of taxes on tips would sway their votes from Democrat to Republican this November. This news, which has been floating around since June, seems to have escaped Wang’s radar entirely. But why bother focusing on actual voter concerns when there is an agenda to push?
As expected, CBS News did not quite get it right when reporting on this issue; their coverage pointed fingers at Republicans while trying to diminish the significance of Trump’s earlier proposal. One could play a game of “spot the difference” in the reporting if it weren’t so exasperatingly predictable. While Trump supporters dissect every article for bias, Wang and her colleagues continue to spin narratives placing Democrats on a pedestal, even when they are merely echoing Republican ideas.
Town Hall: CBS News Reporter's Take on Kamala Stealing Trump's 'No Tax on Tips' Policy Is Beyond Laughable
— Ian’s Newsfeed 🇺🇸🇺🇸 (@IanHNewsFeed) August 13, 2024
This highlights just how out of touch mainstream media continues to be. The “accusation” narrative peddled by CBS has been soundly defeated. For those actually keeping track of the political landscape, it has become painfully obvious that when it comes to who truly represents the interests of service workers, the answer is Trump — and that’s an inconvenient truth for the liberal press to digest.