
Democrat Strategist Carville Questions Biden’s 2024 Bid Amid Enthusiasm Concerns

The 2024 election is stirring up talk among some Democrats, especially when it comes to the question of whether President Biden should run for re-election. A recent poll from WaPo/ABC News shows that 86 percent of Americans, including many Democrats, believe that Biden is too old to seek another term as president.

James Carville, a prominent Democratic strategist, has expressed his concerns about Biden’s re-election bid, stating that he personally wished Biden had not chosen to run again. Carville believes that there are younger Democratic candidates who would be a better fit for the current political landscape. While he plans to support Biden, Carville acknowledges a lack of enthusiasm for the president among the liberal base. 


In the upcoming election, Carville predicts that the Democratic Party will need strong support from its core constituents. However, he observes a lack of excitement for Biden among key liberal groups, such as Black and Latino voters. Carville worries that some liberal voters may be disenchanted and choose to stay home on election day.

Despite his reservations, Carville plans to vote for Biden out of loyalty to the Democratic Party. However, he believes that the lack of enthusiasm for Biden among certain voter blocs could pose a challenge for the president’s re-election efforts in 2024.

Written by Staff Reports

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