
Democrats Politicize D-Day Anniversary to Attack Trump and Boost Biden Campaign

On the 80th anniversary of D-Day, Democrats, including President Joe Biden and his campaign surrogates, used the occasion to push their own political narratives. Former New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, a co-chair for Biden’s reelection campaign, took the opportunity to make the event about Ukraine and to attack former President Donald Trump. He claimed that Trump represented the gravest threat to American democracy in history. However, this narrative didn’t align with public opinion as polls don’t fully support this assertion.

Landrieu also compared the bravery of those who stormed the beaches of Normandy on D-Day to voting for Biden, and he expressed confidence in a hard-fought race for the upcoming elections. Some conservatives found this comparison disrespectful and mocked the remarks. Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton also used D-Day to urge people to vote in November, further politicizing the historic event.

Despite the questionable and divisive nature of Landrieu’s comments, the Biden-Harris campaign proudly promoted his appearance and remarks. Many responded with disapproval, highlighting the inappropriateness of using D-Day for political messaging. In addition to making the event about Ukraine, Landrieu attempted to equate Biden with past presidents Reagan and FDR, and he portrayed Biden as a unifying figure, which contradicts the current polarized and partisan climate in America.

Finally, Landrieu reiterated the Democratic narrative that portrays Biden as a safeguard against tyranny and as the protector of democracy. He also sought to diminish the importance of other national issues, such as the economy and immigration, by emphasizing the need for a functioning democracy above all else. Overall, Landrieu’s remarks on D-Day exemplified the Democrats’ effort to propagate their political agenda even on a day meant for honoring the sacrifices of those who fought for freedom and democracy.

Written by Staff Reports

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