
Dems Bankroll Fake GOP PAC to Bash Trump!

Breaking news alert! The sneaky snakes at the Republican Accountability PAC have been caught red-handed! Can you believe it? This PAC, which claims to be all about holding Republicans accountable but seems more interested in bashing our beloved former President Donald Trump, is actually getting most of its dough from those pesky Democrats. That’s right, folks, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) records spill the tea on how nearly 75% of the PAC’s funding is coming straight from the left-wing la-la land.

Sarah Longwell, the head honcho at Republican Accountability PAC, thought she could pull a fast one on us by announcing a whopping $50 million ad campaign in swing states to push an “anti-Trump coalition.” Well, well, well, Sarah, looks like we’ve caught you with your hand in the cookie jar – or should I say, the Democrat donor jar! It’s no surprise that a group that’s so eager to trash our champion, President Trump, is cozying up to the radical left for cash.

To make matters worse, the Republican Voters Against Trump campaign, which is linked to this shady PAC, is planning to showcase videos of people who claim they used to support Trump but have seen the light. Seriously? As if we’re going to buy that hogwash! This whole charade reeks of desperation from the Never-Trumpers who just can’t accept that President Trump is the real deal.

Let’s talk about these big-shot Democratic donors who are bankrolling this anti-Trump circus. Names like Reid Hoffman, Seth Klarman, and John Pritzker ring a bell? These liberal elites have been throwing their money at Democrat causes faster than you can say “phony politics.” And don’t even get me started on their shady connections – like Hoffman’s ties to Jeffrey Epstein! Yikes! It’s like a who’s who of the liberal elite trying to take down our conservative values.

And let’s not overlook the fact that these so-called Republicans at the helm of this PAC are cozying up to Joe Biden and his cronies. They claim they’re not building a pro-Biden coalition, but actions speak louder than words. Posting videos encouraging folks to vote blue? Yeah, that’s not fooling anyone, Longwell!

So, in the words of our fearless leader, President Trump, this whole situation is a total hoax and a disgrace. The real Republicans see through this facade and will stand strong against the onslaught of liberal cash trying to undermine our conservative principles. Stay vigilant, patriots, and don’t let the swamp creatures win!

Written by Staff Reports

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