
DeSantis Triumphs Over Disney Securing Major Investment for Florida

Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida has once again emerged victorious in a battle against the Walt Disney Corporation, proving that Florida stands strong against woke corporations. Initially, many on the left believed that Disney would prevail in its opposition to the state’s Parental Rights in Education bill. The media hyped up Disney’s stance, predicting that Governor DeSantis would lose, but in a surprising turn of events, a judge dismissed Disney’s federal lawsuit against the state earlier this year.

Following the dismissal of the federal lawsuit, Disney recently settled its state lawsuit against the governor and the legislature. This positive development marked the beginning of a renewed and mutually beneficial relationship between Disney and the state of Florida. The recent signing of a 15-year agreement between Disney and the state allows for the continued expansion of the Walt Disney World resort in Orlando, with Disney committing to invest up to $17 billion in the next decade to two decades.


The Central Florida Tourism Oversight District unanimously approved the agreement, paving the way for Disney to introduce new attractions and hotels on the Walt Disney World property. This agreement signifies a significant win for Florida, bringing in more jobs and enhancing guest experiences. The partnership between Disney and the state demonstrates a successful collaboration that benefits both parties and the region as a whole.

Governor DeSantis and Florida have once again demonstrated their resilience in the face of corporate influence. By standing firm against Disney’s opposition and securing a beneficial agreement for the state, Florida has showcased its commitment to progress and economic development. This victory serves as a reminder that Florida will not be swayed by the agenda of woke corporations, reaffirming the state’s dedication to its values and principles.

Written by Staff Reports

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