
Economist Harry Dent Warns of Looming Financial Crash, Blames Government Stimulus

A well-known economist, Harry Dent, predicts that the current economic bubble will burst, leading to a significant financial crash. Dent believes that the government is to blame for creating this bubble by injecting artificial stimulus into the economy, which has prolonged the bubble’s existence for an unprecedented 14 years. He warns that this bubble is much larger and longer-lasting than previous ones, and it is inevitable that it will end badly.

Dent forecasts that the crash could hit as hard as early to mid-2025, with potential declines of 86% for the S&P and 92% for the Nasdaq. He emphasizes that this bubble, fueled by government intervention, is unlike any other in history and could lead to a depression rather than just a recession. Economist Albert Edwards echoes these concerns, warning that the current growth trajectory may lead to a catastrophic downturn.

Dent and Edwards’ predictions go against the mainstream narrative, but they are resolute in their assessment of the situation. Dent asserts that bubbles of this magnitude and duration always end poorly, and history has shown that central banks’ ability to print money out of thin air has never led to sustainable economic growth.

The article also includes a message from its staff, urging readers to support their fight against Big Tech and elites who seek to stifle their voice. The plea for donations underscores the challenges faced by media outlets with limited resources and the impact of funding cuts from advertisers.

Overall, the article highlights concerns about the economy’s sustainability and the need for continued vigilance against potential financial turmoil.

Written by Staff Reports

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