
Ex-CNN Voice Avlon Trades Leftist Lectern for Dem Congress Bid

Former CNN bigwig John Avlon has made a dramatic exit from the left-leaning news network and is diving headfirst into the political arena as a Democrat. The ex-host and senior political analyst is gunning for a seat in New York’s 1st Congressional District, and he’s not holding back on who his main target is – none other than President Donald Trump.

Avlon, who used to steer the ship at The Daily Beast, declared his intentions to take on Trump and fight for what he calls “Long Island’s values” in a fiery social media post. But this is far from the first time he’s taken aim at the former president. Back in 2020, Avlon went on the offensive, calling Trump “unwell” and “delusional” for claiming victory in the 2020 election. And he hasn’t been shy about slamming the Republican National Committee either, calling their decision to withdraw from the Commission on Presidential Debates a “blow to our democracy.” Well, well, well, looks like he’s not afraid to show his true colors.

But Avlon’s got some stiff competition lined up for his congressional bid. Former state Senator James Gaughran, ex-administrative law judge Craig Herskowitz (who worked for none other than scandal-ridden Andrew Cuomo), and chemistry whiz Nancy Goroff are all throwing their hats in the ring. It’s shaping up to be quite the showdown in New York’s 1st Congressional District, a purple swing seat that’s sure to attract attention from every corner of the political spectrum.

It looks like Avlon is ready to mix it up in the rough and tumble world of politics. Hold onto your hats, folks, because this race is about to get interesting!

Written by Staff Reports

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