
Ex-Marine Hero: Patriot or Criminal? Manslaughter Charge Sparks Counter-Protest

On Wednesday, a group of demonstrators supporting Daniel Penny, an ex-marine who has been charged with second-degree manslaughter in connection with an incident involving Jordan Neely on a New York City subway train, staged a “counter-protest” during a press conference convened by Nassau County Executive Bruce A. Blakemane. The conference, attended by marines, veterans, and various politicians, was met with a fervent response from Penny’s supporters who were outside the NYC Criminal Court and DA Bragg’s office to voice their support.

Jordan Neely, a homeless man who was suffering from mental health issues and threatening people, was involved in an incident with Daniel Penny on May 1, 2023, which resulted in Neely’s unfortunate death due to Penny’s chokehold​​. Despite initial criticism of law enforcement’s handling of the case, Penny was arraigned on May 12 and released on bail pending trial.

The situation has sparked a national debate, with some political figures and groups, including Penny’s supporters, pointing out that Neely was a violent criminal. Advocates for Jordan Neely have been protesting and demanding justice for him, likening his death to that of George Floyd, which led to nationwide protests in 2020. However, Daniel Penny has claimed that his encounter with Neely was not motivated by race and that he acted to protect himself and other passengers when Neely began aggressively threatening them.

It’s clear that this tragic incident occurred in a high-pressure situation and that Daniel Penny was acting in self-defense. Despite this, many are calling for Penny’s pardon, citing his actions as those of a good Samaritan. It’s important to support our law enforcement and military personnel who are simply trying to do their jobs and protect innocent civilians.

Written by Staff Reports

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