
GOP Lawmakers Slam Speaker Johnson for Sidestepping Party on Ukraine Aid Bill

A group of Republican Representatives are upset with Speaker of the House Mike Johnson for working too closely with Democrats. They are criticizing him for passing a $60 billion Ukraine aid bill without full GOP support. This goes against the Hastert rule, which says a Republican Speaker should only bring legislation to a vote if most Republicans back it.

The lawmakers, like Jim Banks, Byron Donalds, and Chip Roy, feel betrayed by Johnson’s actions. They believe he is handing control over to Democrats and not listening to the majority of the Republican Party. This move follows another controversial decision to pass a $1.2 trillion government funding plan against the wishes of many Republicans.

Donalds and Roy are disappointed in Johnson’s actions, feeling that he is not representing the interests of the GOP. They believe that better communication and collaboration could have led to a different outcome. While Johnson had some Republican support for the Ukraine aid bill, a significant number of Republicans voted against it, violating the principles of the Hastert rule.

This situation highlights the ongoing divide within the Republican Party regarding cooperation with Democrats and following party guidelines. The dissatisfaction expressed by these Representatives underscores the internal struggle for unity and leadership within the GOP. It is important for Republicans to address these issues and work towards a more cohesive and united front to effectively represent their constituents.

Written by Staff Reports

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