
House GOP Tackles Surge in Northern Border Crossings and Drug Issues

House Republicans recently conducted a hearing in North Dakota to address a reported increase in illegal border crossings, even along the U.S.-Canada border, despite the focus on the southern border with Mexico. Despite the widespread coverage and debate over immigration issues at the U.S.-Mexico border, there has been a surge in illegal crossings along specific areas of the U.S.-Canada border as well.

In one particular border region adjoining upstate New York and parts of New England, Border Patrol agents have described the recent activity as a “flood” of illegal crossers. This surge has led to the apprehension of about 7,000 illegal crossers in that sector in fiscal year 2023, a number that far exceeds the total apprehensions over the past decade. The nationalities of these crossers vary, with a significant number being from Mexico. Republicans have suggested that Mexican drug cartels are a significant factor in this increase of illegal northern border traffic.


During the subcommittee hearing, Rep. Kelly Armstrong noted the prevalence of fentanyl poisoning in North Dakota and attributed it to the influx of these illegal drugs. Despite some disagreement about the source and transportation of these drugs, there is a consensus about the threat they pose, with many advocating for measures to halt their entry into the country.

The hearing, titled “The Biden Border Crisis: North Dakota Perspectives,” focused on a range of issues, including illegal entry into the U.S., drug enforcement, and concerns about reduced operating hours at U.S. border crossings. The House Republicans expressed disappointment at the absence of any Democratic members or witnesses at the hearing.

Furthermore, while the U.S. government is focused on drug smuggling from Canada, Canadian officials are concerned about firearms being smuggled from the U.S. The Conservative Party in Canada has called for support for police anti-gang and gun units, as well as increased access to mental health and addictions treatments, as an alternative to the government’s emphasis on domestic gun control.

Ultimately, the surge in illegal border crossings, especially along the U.S.-Canada border, has raised significant concerns and prompted House Republicans to address these issues in their recent hearing, highlighting the need for a comprehensive approach to border security.

Written by Staff Reports

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