
Hunter Biden’s Trial on Federal Gun Charges Heads to Jury Deliberation

Hunter Biden’s Delaware trial on federal gun charges continued on Monday, with the defense making their case without calling Hunter to testify. The trial in Wilmington has seen various family members supporting Hunter in court, including his stepmom Jill and wife Melissa. The defense argued for a specific wording in the verdict form, but the judge sided with the prosecution on this matter.

The prosecution brought FBI Special Agent Erika Jensen back to the stand to discuss the authenticity of Hunter’s infamous laptop. Text messages between Hunter and potential drug dealers were revisited during the trial, with the defense pointing out potential discrepancies in the evidence presented by the prosecution.

During closing arguments, the government emphasized Hunter’s drug addiction, citing his own book, “Beautiful Things” as evidence of his struggles. On the other hand, the defense highlighted the prosecution’s burden of proof and questioned the use of Hunter’s memoir as a reliable source of information. They also shifted the blame towards the gun salesman and Hallie Biden for their roles in the incident.

The case has now been submitted to the jury for deliberation. As a conservative writer, it is evident that the prosecution is attempting to paint Hunter Biden in a negative light, focusing heavily on his past drug addiction issues. The defense’s strategy to shift blame towards others involved in the situation seems like a valid tactic to create doubt in the prosecution’s case. It will be interesting to see how the jury reaches a verdict in this high-profile trial.

Written by Staff Reports

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