
Jordan Cranks Up Heat on FBI for Biden Bribe Intel

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan is once again urging FBI Director Christopher Wray to release an additional confidential informant file pertaining to an alleged $10 million bribe made by the owner of Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma Holdings to Hunter and Joe Biden. Jordan contends that this March 1, 2017, file from a confidential human source contains "crucial" information crucial to the committee's investigation into Hunter's overseas business dealings and the impeachment proceedings against President Biden. In a strongly-worded letter to Wray, Jordan emphasized the file's necessity for the committee's work, setting the submission deadline for January 19th.

Last year, Sen. Chuck Grassley released the 2020 FBI informant file, which contained startling allegations suggesting that the president and his son coerced Burisma's owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, into paying each of them $5 million to facilitate the firing of Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin in early 2016. The file also discussed Hunter Biden and plans for Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi to travel to Washington, D.C., in March 2017. It detailed conversations with Burisma executive Mykola Zlochevsky in 2015-2016, coinciding with the period when then-Vice President Joe Biden was involved in dismissing the special prosecutor investigating the energy company on corruption allegations.

House Republicans are steadfast in their determination to uncover the truth behind what they allege is the Biden family's complex web of corruption. They assert that Hunter Biden received significant monthly payments from Burisma solely for providing the company with legal protections and access to high-ranking US officials through his father's influence. The family is accused of establishing numerous shell companies to funnel money, with over 170 suspicious activity alerts filed across multiple banks. Moreover, there is purported evidence of direct payments to Joe Biden linked to this scheme, artfully disguised as loan repayments.

House Republicans argue that Joe Biden strategically distributed his share of the proceeds through his family members, allowing them to retain the benefits and only transferring them back when he is not in the public eye. The conservative faction contends that Democrats and the mainstream media are neglecting these serious allegations, leaving it to House Republicans to piece together the puzzle and expose the truth about the Biden family's alleged corrupt activities.

Written by Staff Reports

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