
LA Homeowner Defends Against Armed Intruders, Gets Punished by Firearm Bureau!

Vince Ricci, a homeowner in Los Angeles Mid-City, had his carry permit revoked by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department after he opened fire on armed suspects attempting to enter his home. Last Sunday, Ricci, who had just returned from the gym, faced off against two armed robbers who confronted him at his front door. As they tried to force their way in, Ricci, fearing for his life, drew his own licensed concealed firearm and fired at the suspects, causing them to flee the scene. Despite his actions being a clear example of self-defense, his permit was revoked because he reportedly “yelled” at responding LAPD officers during their investigation.

It is unclear if there were other reasons for Ricci’s permit revocation, but one thing is certain: he is now defenseless when he goes out in public. This decision to strip Ricci of his Second Amendment rights over a minor incident is both immoral and abhorrent. It sends a chilling message to law-abiding citizens that using a firearm in self-defense could result in losing their permit.

The NRA has come to Ricci’s defense, using his case as an example of why it is crucial for individuals to be able to carry firearms. They argue that Ricci’s actions, which protected his wife and daughter, embody the core principles that NRA members fight for. They criticize California’s pro-criminal policies and stand firmly with Ricci and all responsible gun owners.

This unjust decision against Ricci will likely have a chilling effect on concealed carry in Los Angeles. The message it sends is that simply using a firearm in self-defense could lead to the loss of a permit. Losing the ability to carry a firearm for self-defense outside of one’s home is a violation of one’s inherent human right and will inevitably embolden criminals.

Overall, this case highlights the importance of defending the Second Amendment and protecting the rights of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves and their families. The actions against Ricci by the city and county of Los Angeles are a disservice to their citizens and only serve to empower criminals. It is crucial to stand up against this infringement on individual liberties and fight for the right to bear arms.

Written by Staff Reports

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