
Louisiana Democrats Fail to Oust Superintendent Over PragerU Partnership

Louisiana Democrats were on a wild goose chase this week, trying to kick out the state’s education superintendent just because he decided to team up with PragerU. Who knew sharing some conservative values could cause such a ruckus? The lawmakers were all up in arms, claiming that the superintendent was brainwashing kids with “political indoctrination.” Can’t a guy just bring a different perspective into the classroom without causing a stir these days?

PragerU, a nonprofit that spreads American values through engaging online videos, proudly joined forces with Louisiana at the Teacher Leader Summit. With over 7,000 teachers in attendance, it sounds like the party of the year! They made it clear that teachers weren’t forced to use their materials but could choose to include them for a little conservative flair. Who doesn’t love some options?

The State Democrats really had their feathers ruffled over this partnership. They tried to block the superintendent’s reconfirmation and even introduced resolutions calling PragerU “discriminatory and anti-Semitic.” Now, hold on just a minute. One of the folks behind PragerU is Jewish, and the CEO even served in the Israel Defense Forces. So, who’s really spreading false rumors here?

But fear not, good citizens! The Louisiana Freedom Caucus swooped in to save the day. They stood up for the superintendent and PragerU, shutting down the Democrat resolutions like champions. It was like a political showdown in the Wild West, but with fewer cowboy hats and more paperwork.

In the end, the superintendent got the green light for another term, and the resolutions against him and PragerU were left in the dust. It just goes to show that in the battle of ideas, sometimes the underdogs come out on top. So, keep on spreading those American values, Louisiana! It’s a wild ride, but someone’s got to steer the ship toward common sense.

Written by Staff Reports

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