
Mayorkas Dodges Tough Questions on Biden’s Border Failures in ABC Interview

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas faced tough questions about President Biden’s latest immigration executive order and the administration’s record of not securing the U.S.-Mexico border in an interview with ABC News.

The department’s leader emphasized that it was still in the early days of implementing the new executive order. Mayorkas highlighted the goal of changing the risk for individuals before they leave their home countries and encouraging them to use lawful pathways rather than turning to exploitative smugglers. He also praised the efforts of border personnel in adapting to a significant operational shift at the southern border.

Despite the stated intention of the executive order to maintain a ban on illegal entry until the volume of attempted crossings is effectively manageable by the system, the interviewer pressed on the feasibility of this goal. Mayorkas reiterated the administration’s emphasis on reducing the number of encounters to an average of 1,500 over a consecutive seven-day period. He also emphasized ongoing efforts to promote lawful pathways throughout the region.

The interviewer challenged Mayorkas by referencing a statement from 2021, where he expressed confidence in successfully managing the influx of illegal immigrants. Highlighting that millions of individuals have entered the country since then, the interviewer suggested that little progress had been made on the immigration front.

The tough questions posed in the interview underscored the skepticism surrounding the administration’s ability to manage the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border effectively. The conservative perspective emphasizes the need for concrete actions to address the ongoing immigration challenges rather than rhetoric and unfulfilled promises.

Written by Staff Reports

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