
Nina Jankowicz Launches American Sunlight Project Hides Donors Targets Conservatives

Nina Jankowicz, known for her failed Disinformation Governance Board under the Department of Homeland Security, is back with a new venture called the American Sunlight Project. This project claims to combat misinformation but seems to have a partisan agenda. It focuses mainly on targeting conservatives and their allies, rather than addressing misinformation from all sources.

What’s concerning is that while the American Sunlight Project aims to expose deceptive information practices, it operates with Dark Money, refusing to disclose its donors. This hypocrisy is evident as the group advocates for transparency from others but hides its own financial backers. It seems ironic that a project named “American Sunlight” is shrouded in secrecy when it comes to its funding sources.

Additionally, the project’s mission to investigate and expose entities behind alleged disinformation campaigns raises questions about its respect for First Amendment freedoms. While they feel entitled to scrutinize and reveal others, they vehemently guard their own donors’ identities, showcasing a double standard in their actions.

Overall, the American Sunlight Project appears to be another example of a biased initiative posing as a crusader against misinformation. It’s important to remain vigilant and hold such organizations accountable for their lack of transparency and selective targeting of political opponents.

Written by Staff Reports

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