
Rep. Comer Predicts Damning Biden Report on Fox News

Rep. James Comer, a Republican from Kentucky, made a bold prediction on Fox News’s Sunday Morning Futures about the release of a report detailing criminal allegations against President Joe Biden. As the head of the House Oversight Committee, Comer expressed confidence that the report, which is expected to be released soon, will shed light on the crimes he believes President Biden has committed.

Comer emphasized that the committee’s investigation into Hunter Biden, the president’s second-eldest son, is a crucial step towards holding President Biden accountable. He suggested that the upcoming report will provide an interim update on the alleged crimes committed by Biden and his administration, dating back to the years of the Obama-Biden Administration.

When asked why the committee has not used its subpoena power to compel President Biden’s testimony, Comer cited the difficulty of subpoenaing a sitting president and drew attention to the Democrats’ alleged failure to do so during Donald Trump’s presidency. Despite this limitation, Comer highlighted the substantive nature of the depositions and interviews conducted by the committee, expressing confidence in their utility for ensuring accountability.

In a separate legal matter, Hunter Biden is currently facing three felony gun charges, including allegations of lying about his drug use on a federal form to obtain a gun and recklessly disposing of the firearm near a school. As the case unfolds in criminal court, the first son could potentially face a significant prison sentence if found guilty.

It’s important to note that President Biden has not been charged with any crimes as of the time of this report. However, Comer’s remarks underscore the ongoing efforts by conservative lawmakers to scrutinize the Biden family’s conduct and hold the president accountable for alleged wrongdoing.

Written by Staff Reports

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