
Sanders Skips Netanyahu Speech, Cites Humanitarian Concerns

Sen. Bernard Sanders refuses to attend Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress, calling the invitation a “bad idea.” The Vermont independent expressed his strong disapproval of the invitation, citing the humanitarian crisis caused by the Israeli Prime Minister’s actions. Sanders stated that Netanyahu’s approach to the Palestinian people has resulted in significant casualties and destruction, particularly impacting women and children.

Despite Sanders’ opposition, Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer, a New York Democrat, plans to extend the invitation for Mr. Netanyahu to address Congress. Even though Schumer previously criticized Israel’s actions against Hamas and called for new elections, he has agreed to the joint address.

The invitation has stirred controversy, especially following the International Criminal Court’s announcement of seeking arrest warrants for war crimes against Mr. Netanyahu and other Israeli officials and Hamas leaders. The warrants have been condemned by both the Israeli government and the Biden administration, with House Republicans expressing intentions to draft a sanctions bill against the ICC.

Sanders’ refusal to attend the speech aligns with his strong stance against Netanyahu’s actions and highlights the divisions within Congress regarding the invitation. The debate surrounding the invitation and the international legal developments illustrate the complex dynamics of U.S.-Israel relations and the ongoing conflict in the region.

Written by Staff Reports

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