
Swing State Polls Show Trump Leading Biden Amid Growing Concerns Over Biden’s Health

The news recently came out that in the swing states crucial for the 2024 election, His Fraudulency Joe Biden’s weaknesses are proving to be a bigger problem compared to former President Donald Trump’s issues. The left-leaning Cook Political Report did some polling and in six out of seven swing states, Trump is leading by various margins. The only tie is in Wisconsin. When pitted against each other, Trump still holds the lead in those six states and is tied in Wisconsin. You might be asking yourself, “Why are we even talking about Hunter’s Dad and Temper Tantrum Trump again?” Well, a poll of almost 4,000 voters was conducted, and the results show Trump ahead of Slow Joe, 38 to 43 percent in all seven states.

What really caught the eye of this news rewriter is that more voters are concerned about Biden’s age and ability to finish his term than they are about Trump’s temperament and legal troubles. In fact, a majority, a big 66%, think Biden won’t even complete his term. Even among Democrats, nearly half see this as a problem, and a whopping 70% of independent voters agree. It’s a 50/50 country, and the swing states reflect that sentiment. The corporate-backed media might be pushing their narrative, but they are losing ground with voters, who see through their biased reporting.

For years, the media have been fixated on Trump’s temperament and legal battles, trying to tarnish him. But now, as the election approaches, voters seem more worried about Biden’s physical and mental decline. Trump might be up there in age, but he’s still got that fiery energy, while Biden appears fragile and unfit for the job. The media’s attempts to cover up Biden’s decline aren’t working anymore, thanks to alternative media sources and social media. The public is wise to their games, and their credibility is at an all-time low. Despite all the efforts to paint Trump negatively, he’s still leading the race. It’s a wake-up call for the corporate media to adapt or fade away—maybe they should consider a career change and learn to code!

Written by Staff Reports

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