
Biden’s Budget Madness: $30M for Woke Brainwashing, Risks Our Future!

In a shocking display of liberal lunacy, Joe Biden has once again demonstrated his administration’s twisted priorities. The latest budget proposal for 2025 includes a whopping amount of billions of dollars to promote gender fluidity, sexuality, and divisive race ideology. Yes, you read that right, folks. $30 million is set aside to brainwash educators into pushing the radically leftist agenda of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity (DEI) onto innocent young minds. It’s like they’re trying to turn our schools into indoctrination centers!

While our enemies like China and Russia are busy strengthening their military might, Biden is fixated on spreading the toxic DEI poison worldwide. They preach about gender equity while ignoring real threats like nuclear warfare and space weapons. It’s like watching a clown juggle chainsaws while the world burns around him. With priorities this messed up, it’s no wonder our country is in serious trouble if Biden gets another shot at the presidency. God help us if that nightmare becomes a reality.

But wait, there’s more insanity to unpack. The budget also allocates $30 million to train teachers in race, gender, and sexuality inclusivity at specific minority-focused colleges. They want educators to create “identity-safe” environments for students, prioritizing diversity over competency. It’s a dangerous game they’re playing, sacrificing academic excellence at the altar of woke ideology. The left’s grip on education grows tighter, all while pushing their divisive narrative of victimhood and oppression.

Republican Rep. Bob Good rightly calls out Biden’s budget for what it is: reckless and radical. With trillions added to the debt and vast sums wasted on divisive programs, it’s clear the Democrats are more concerned with virtue signaling than responsible governance. This isn’t just pandering to their base; it’s a full-blown assault on traditional American values. Biden and his ilk are hell-bent on reshaping society in their image, brainwashing the masses into compliance with their twisted agenda.

We must stand firm against this onslaught of leftist propaganda. The future of our nation hangs in the balance, and we cannot afford to let the radical left dictate our values and beliefs. It’s time to fight back, to push back against this wave of indoctrination and reclaim our schools, our communities, and our country from the grips of those who seek to destroy everything we hold dear. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and above all, vote accordingly to safeguard our way of life.

Written by Staff Reports

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