
Biden’s Price Hike Nightmare: Grocery Bills Shatter Budgets!

Is your wallet feeling lighter these days? Well, it’s not from all those pesky holes you might have accidentally been poking in it. It turns out that Biden’s economic policies are making your grocery bill nearly 40 percent more painful! That’s right, folks. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that a $100 grocery haul in 2019 is now costing you almost $140. Ouch!

According to the Journal’s Stephanie Stamm and Jesse Newman, a basket of everyday foods like meat, veggies, and snacks has seen prices skyrocket. It’s like the food is having a party, and everyone’s invited. But you know who didn’t get an invite? Your wallet!

The average grocery list that used to cost you a cool hundred bucks is now demanding a whopping $37 more from your wallet. That’s like a sneaky thief swiping your hard-earned cash right out from under your nose – and without even having the decency to wear a cool black robbery mask!

And if you think things can’t get any worse, think again! Prices for certain items have shot up even more dramatically. Eggs are up a whopping 63 percent, and sports drinks have spiked a staggering 80 percent. It’s like they’re doing a high jump right over your budget!

But hold onto your shopping carts, because the rollercoaster of inflation doesn’t stop there. Prices went up by a shocking 10.2 percent from 2022 to 2023, with a one percent increase from February 2023 to February 2024. It’s like those prices are playing a game of limbo – how low can you go before shoppers start rioting in the aisles?!

But here’s the real kicker: food companies are pointing the finger at their own rising costs for ingredients, transportation, and labor. They’re like the kid who gets caught red-handed with their hand in the cookie jar but tries to blame it on the family dog. And get this – some U.S. lawmakers and the Biden administration are criticizing these companies for using sneaky tactics like shrinkflation. It’s like the food companies are playing hide and seek with your money!

As if dealing with these soaring grocery prices isn’t bad enough, consumers are being forced to get creative with their shopping to make ends meet. They’re hunting for sales, clipping coupons, and strategically choosing cheaper versions of the products they love. It’s like a real-life game of supermarket Survivor, where the ultimate goal is to snag the best deals and avoid becoming the next person voted off the island of budget-friendly shopping.

Even 74-year-old Sharon Faelten from Vermont has had to become a master forager, treating grocery shopping like a post-apocalyptic scavenger hunt. She’s on the lookout for that discount chicken like it’s the last piece of treasure in a pirate’s cave. And Arizona U.S. Senate Candidate Kari Lake (R) is blaming these sky-high prices on “Bidenomics.” She’s calling out the Biden administration and their economic policies for making everyone’s grocery bills as painful as a root canal. Sounds like someone needs a prescription for a little dose of fiscal responsibility!

And for some icing on the cake, NewsBusters’ Curtis Houck is giving ABC’s Good Morning America a piece of his mind for turning a blind eye to the president’s economic policy as the cause of all this mess. He’s calling them out for not even mentioning Biden or inflation and leaving people to fend for themselves with apps, bulk buying, and discount stores. It’s like they’re trying to keep shoppers in the dark while the prices continue to soar like a rocket ship with no sign of coming back down to Earth.

So, whether you’re pinching pennies or cursing the rising prices, one thing’s for sure – your grocery shopping experience has turned into a real-life drama, complete with villains, heroes, and a lot of reluctant budgeting. And as the prices continue to climb, it looks like everyone will need to buckle up and get ready for an even wilder ride at the checkout line. Hold onto your wallets, because it’s gonna be a bumpy trip!

Written by Staff Reports

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