
No Labels Bows Out: Dems Cheer for Less Choice in 2024 Race

In a shocking turn of events, ‘No Labels’ has announced that it will be sitting out the 2024 presidential election, even though the country is barreling toward a Trump-Biden rematch. The organization had previously suggested offering voters an alternative to the two major parties, but it seems they couldn’t find a suitable candidate who was willing to run. As expected, ‘No Labels’ is dominated by anti-Trump sentiment, and it’s no surprise that they struggled to find someone to step up given the prevailing belief that third party bids could benefit Trump’s re-election chances.

Leftist groups are openly celebrating ‘No Labels’ decision and are actively advocating for other potential candidates to abstain from running or be prevented from appearing on the ballot. This is a clear sign of their aversion to too much democracy, despite their claims to be champions of the democratic process.

The decision by ‘No Labels’ is significant because the group is well-funded and organized, with ballot access already secured in 19 states, including key battlegrounds like Arizona, Nevada, and North Carolina. Democrats are viewing this development as a win for their side and are not only rooting for fewer choices for voters but are also deploying legal measures to obstruct other potential challengers from gaining access to ballots across the country. They are even reconsidering their long-standing push to register new voters, as they fear that their traditional voter registration efforts among young people and minorities could inadvertently boost Trump’s electoral standing.

A memo from a progressive data scientist has sparked a debate within the Democratic Party about the potential risk of registering non-Black minority and young voters, ultimately benefiting Trump’s quest for re-election. The memo pointed out the higher cost of mobilizing these groups compared to registering African American voters, leading to internal discord among Democratic organizations responsible for registering new voters.

In light of recent polling data, it’s clear that Democrats are growing more apprehensive about registering new voters and increasing voter turnout, as Trump holds a sizable lead among registered but unreliable voters and unregistered eligible voters. The progressive left is now facing the amusing predicament of cautioning against registering too many voters, despite their previous insistence on the importance of expanding voter rolls.

Ultimately, it appears that Democrats may be toning down their efforts to register new voters and encouraging fewer options for voters, all under the guise of promoting democracy. As the 2024 election cycle heats up, it will be interesting to see how these developments play out and how they might impact voter turnout and candidate selection.

Written by Staff Reports

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