
Biden’s Public Speaking Blunders Raise Concerns About Mental Fitness

President Joe Biden has been known for making mistakes when speaking in public, but lately, it seems like he is making more errors than ever before. Since the 2020 election, his speeches have been filled with misstatements, mispronunciations, and gaffes, which seem to be happening more frequently than during his time as vice president or senator.

Recently, during a speech in Michigan where he received an award from the NAACP, the White House had to correct at least nine mistakes that President Biden made. It’s quite embarrassing to see a president making so many errors in one speech, and one has to wonder how long his team will continue to let him speak in public before restricting his appearances.

In one instance, Biden mentioned his time as vice president during the pandemic, but mistakenly referred to it as a recession. He also spoke about receiving an award, but stumbled over the word “award.” Even when talking about a commencement address at Morehouse College, he struggled with saying the word “inspiring.”

Another mistake occurred when he discussed healthcare costs, claiming to have saved families $800,000 a year instead of $800. Towards the end of his speech, he mispronounced the name of the NAACP, the organization presenting him with the award.

During his speech, Biden also took aim at former President Trump, making false claims about him cutting Medicare and Social Security. There were also mispronunciations, like when he referred to insurrectionists as “irrectionists” and mentioned “bloodshed” instead of “bloodbath” in relation to Trump’s statements.

Surveys have shown that a majority of Americans, including Democrats, have concerns about Biden’s mental fitness to serve as president. Confidence in his mental capability has been low, with many voters expressing doubts about whether he has what it takes to lead the country effectively for another term.

Written by Staff Reports

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