
GOP Puts Brakes on Biden, Revs Up Energy Bills

The House of Representatives has made some big moves, y’all! Those Republican heavy-hitters are flexing their muscles and saying “not so fast, Biden!” as they push through two energy bills that aim to stick it to the Biden administration. They’re gearing up for an energy showdown, and they ain’t holding back!

First up, there’s the Protecting American Energy Act, H.R. 1121, which got the green light with a 229 to 118 vote. This bill, brought to you by none other than Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.), is all about keeping that hydraulic fracking train chugging along. You know, because who needs clean drinking water when we can just keep fracking everything in sight?

And then, there’s the Restoring American Energy Dominance Act, H.R. 6009, which squeaked by with a 216 to 200 vote. This bad boy, championed by Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), aims to put the kibosh on the Bureau of Land Management’s plan to make oil and gas companies pay higher royalties to drill on public land. Because, really, who needs that extra cash when you’re a big oil company, am I right?

But wait, there’s more to come! The House is revving up to tackle a bill aimed at slashing $27 billion earmarked for emissions reduction in low-income communities and another package of bills to make it easier for project developers to get the green light. You can bet those pesky Democrats in the Senate won’t let any of these fly, but hey, it’s all about making a statement, right?

And don’t forget, folks, this is all part of the GOP’s grand plan to make life difficult for ol’ Joe Biden and his energy policies. They’re setting the stage for the 2024 election and making sure everyone knows they’re standing up for good old-fashioned energy production. Meanwhile, as the Republicans rev their engines, Biden and his crew are off in Houston hobnobbing with big oil at some fancy industry conference. Talk about a showdown, y’all!

Written by Staff Reports

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