
New Polls Show Tight Race in New Hampshire Between Trump and Biden

The 2024 presidential election is going to be a very important one. It could be a rematch that hasn’t happened since a long time ago in 1892. Former and possibly future President Donald Trump could win two nonconsecutive elections, just like Grover Cleveland did. This means it could be really close and competitive, especially in a lot of states.

The Trump campaign is focusing on not only battleground states but also states that they think they can win, like Virginia, Minnesota, New York, and New Jersey. Now, they’re even talking about New Hampshire. There’s a new poll from NHJournal/Praecones Analytica that shows Trump and President Joe Biden are pretty much tied among registered voters in New Hampshire.

Trump is still getting a lot of support from Republicans, more than Biden is getting from Democrats. The poll was taken online from May 15th to 20th with 862 registered voters, and it has a small chance of being wrong by plus or minus 3.33 percent because of the number of people polled.

New Hampshire could be a very important state in this election. It’s a bit independent and has been voting for the Democratic nominee since 2004. But it has voted for the Republican nominee in other years, like in the 1970s and 1980s. The current governor is a Republican, Chris Sununu, who won reelection in 2022 by a lot.

The latest poll shows Biden tied with Trump in New Hampshire, and it seems Biden is losing support from swing voters, which is not good for him. In fact, this could be a bad sign for Biden if he can’t win a state like New Hampshire.

There was also an event where Biden made some odd comments about marrying into a family with five daughters, and he seemed to have trouble speaking correctly. There were also not many people at this event, which was noticed by some people.

Another poll by the University of Massachusetts-Lowell’s Center for Public Opinion shows Biden with a lead in New Hampshire, but it’s only a small lead. Many voters disapprove of Biden’s job performance and think that Trump will actually win the election. It also looks like more Independents are still not sure who they want to vote for.

While it is still likely that New York and New Jersey will vote for Biden, the Trump campaign is trying to make those states become possible wins for them. States like Virginia, Minnesota, and New Hampshire could be more likely for Trump to win, even if it’s a close race. If Trump can win in those states, it would be a big deal for him.

Written by Staff Reports

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