
Trump Criticizes Rep Good Amid GOP Strife, Boosts Rival in Primary

Former President Donald Trump on Thursday criticized House Freedom Caucus Chairman Bob Good (R-VA) as he actively campaigns against the Republican incumbent in his upcoming primary election. Trump, speaking to GOP lawmakers in a closed-door meeting, discussed strategies for the 2024 election and how the party can stay united. However, he also took the opportunity to indirectly criticize other prominent Republicans, including some who were present at the meeting.

During the hour-long meeting, Trump boasted about his endorsement record for the 2024 cycle, hinting that some lawmakers may not be pleased with his endorsements. This was likely aimed at Good, who is facing a tough primary challenge next week against state Rep. John McGuire, someone Trump has endorsed. The tension continued after the meeting, with Trump posting on social media about Good, accusing him of abandoning the “incredible movement.” 


The discord between Trump and Good stems from the latter’s initial support for Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) for the GOP presidential nomination last year. Although Good endorsed Trump after DeSantis suspended his campaign, their relationship further deteriorated when Good displayed campaign materials suggesting Trump’s support, leading to a cease-and-desist letter from the Trump campaign.

Good had previously touted Trump’s support on his campaign website, but the endorsement has since been removed. Trump’s comments about Good came as part of his engagements with GOP lawmakers in Washington, D.C. He also has meetings scheduled with other Republican leaders, continuing his efforts to influence the direction of the party.

Written by Staff Reports

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