
Adams Wakes Up: Time to Deport Criminal Migrants!

In a shocking turn of events, Mayor Eric Adams of New York City, a Democrat who has long championed sanctuary city policies, seems to have had a change of heart when it comes to illegal immigrants committing felonies or violent acts. At a recent town hall meeting, Adams indicated that he believes there should be modifications to the sanctuary city law to allow for the deportation of those who break the law. Finally, some common sense in the sanctuary city madness!

It’s about time someone in the liberal haven of New York City realizes that the safety and security of American citizens should come first. It’s great to see Mayor Adams stepping up and acknowledging that illegal immigrants who commit crimes should not be coddled and protected by sanctuary city policies. We can’t just turn a blind eye to criminal behavior because someone is in the country illegally. Bravo, Mayor Adams, for speaking out against the insanity of sanctuary cities!

Adams also highlighted the challenges he faces in dealing with the ongoing migrant crisis, pointing out that his hands are tied by federal laws. It’s refreshing to see a Democrat actually acknowledging the limitations of government and working within the confines of the law. Maybe there is hope for common sense to prevail in the blue city after all.

While Mayor Adams has made some positive steps in cracking down on the migrant crisis, such as cutting aid to migrants and imposing a curfew on shelters, his decision to allocate $53 million in taxpayer funds to give prepaid credit cards to illegal immigrants is concerning. It’s outrageous that hard-working American taxpayers are being forced to foot the bill for individuals who have broken the law by entering the country illegally.

The recent attack on New York Police Officers by a group of illegal immigrants in Times Square further highlights the dangers of sanctuary city policies. It’s clear that these policies are not only reckless but also putting the lives of law enforcement officers and American citizens at risk. Mayor Adams must prioritize the safety and security of New Yorkers over pandering to the liberal agenda of open borders and sanctuary cities. It’s time to put America first and enforce our laws to protect our communities.

Written by Staff Reports

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