
Biden Caught in Foul-Mouthed Rant Against Trump!

President Joe Biden, who portrays himself as a champion of civility, is facing accusations of hypocrisy after reportedly using foul language to describe former President Donald Trump. According to Politico, at least three individuals have heard Biden privately refer to Trump as a "sick f—," exposing a stark contrast to his public image.

The article asserts that this is not mere gossip but has been confirmed, citing an incident during a speech near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, where Biden nearly used obscenities to describe Trump but caught himself, later reveling in the crowd's applause and laughter. The piece questions Biden's commitment to being a unifier and criticizes the president for using such language.

Moreover, the article claims that Biden's profanity extends beyond one choice word, with an insider revealing that he has also referred to Trump as a "f—ing asshole" in private. The tone of the piece is critical, describing the language as lacking in class for a sitting president.

The article reminds readers that Biden campaigned on a promise to restore civility to political discourse and accuses him of hypocrisy by resorting to name-calling. It highlights a speech in September 2022 where Biden accused Trump and his supporters of posing a "threat to democracy," suggesting that Biden himself needs a lesson in civility.

The piece points out recent actions by Democrats disqualifying Trump from the political arena, citing examples such as Democratic Secretary of State Shenna Bellows of Maine using the 14th Amendment's "insurrection" clause and the Colorado Supreme Court ruling against Trump's appearance on the 2024 ballot. The author accuses Democrats of employing underhanded tactics to silence their opponents.

While the article mentions that Trump and the White House have chosen to stay silent on Biden's remarks, it commends them for focusing on more important issues, contrasting this with Biden's approach. In conclusion, the article labels Biden's behavior as hypocritical, emphasizing that it serves as a reminder that politicians often fail to keep their promises, asserting that the American people deserve better.

Written by Staff Reports

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