
Biden Falters on China Policy Where Trump Prevailed

President Donald Trump had a strong focus on America’s economic competition with China during his time in office. His determination to address this issue was so intense that his pronunciation of “China” even became a popular internet meme. Trump took bold steps through imposing tariffs and advocating for fair trade deals to protect American interests. His tough stance on China made the left nervous, with concerns about the impact of tariffs on the U.S. economy.

In contrast, current President Joe Biden seems to downplay Trump’s efforts in addressing China’s economic threat. Biden claims that Trump failed to take significant actions to boost competition with China. However, this overlooks Trump’s trade war with China, where he successfully negotiated with President Xi Jinping to lower trade barriers and protect intellectual property rights. Trump’s approach to China involved strong actions to prioritize American workers and bring back jobs from China.

While Biden emphasizes the importance of fair competition with China, his administration’s actions do not align with this goal. A recent investigation revealed that the Biden administration lacks a clear plan to track China’s increasing ownership of U.S. farmland, raising concerns about national security. In contrast, Trump’s administration had specific plans to disconnect from China, incentivize companies to move jobs back to the U.S., and strengthen domestic agriculture.

Biden’s approach to China suggests a lack of understanding or acknowledgment of the aggressive steps taken by the previous administration. By failing to address crucial issues such as foreign investment in American farmland, Biden’s strategy appears inadequate in countering China’s economic influence. It may be beneficial for the current administration to learn from Trump’s firm stance on China and prioritize policies that prioritize American interests and national security over appeasing foreign powers.

Written by Staff Reports

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